Blogger Backgrounds

Saturday, 11 August 2012


Well maybe...

If lots of my friends send messages to support about the lock... and that I got hacked blahblahblah and that I'm really nice girl or something .... maybe ..

They would FINALLY unlock me cuz' friends all say the same thing so it doesnt sound like a lie!!! Feel free to take part in this idea xx please comment or right in the chat what they answer ;)

Let's hope this works......

Lily xxxxxx


  1. your not allowed to send staff messages but ill try and maybe i can make forums and make it really famous and ill change my club to something to 'we want lily back'

  2. Well you are allowed to send them emails about problems or whatever aqnd they usually reply within 24 hours .. but thank you :) I hope people start to realise it wasn't my fault I got locked out but thank you alot .. By the way who are you on msp ? Your name just says ...

  3. oh yh its lovebaby i need to change my name cause i got hacked

  4. Hopefully it will work, oh its hollylove7616
