Blogger Backgrounds

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Hey guys ! I have a plan to get back on MSP ! Well maybe I could get round support by saying , that i was hacked by that anonymous hacker and she got me locked out . She has been hacking everyone without even talking to them . Weird huh? So yeah . Fingers crossed!


  1. What is it? btw i gave my friend an acc for free its level three and had loads of clothes and it says when i logged on to get her more fame that she was locked for 2 days because she said in a forum 'I am anomymous'

  2. Wow that's great . Once I got locked for 3 days for saying xox .. ?! If you want to find out more about 'anonymous' hacker look on lucky lily's blog
    have a little look through it and it will come to a post about 'anonymous' ...

  3. :o i saw it i cnt beleive it

  4. I know right it's freakin me out !
