Blogger Backgrounds

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

I think we've found our hacker ...

Take a look at this


She took most of my stuff :( report her !!!!

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Dirty movie? Scam?

What has that hacker done to my account ? I gave them a reply..

Hope the lend it to a friend thing works :)

Byeez x

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Email I sent to support

Convincing? I sure hope so xx
Thank you lovebaby for sending them an email xx

I might make some fake email accounts pretending that they're from my friends or something ..

Lilz xx

Monday, 13 August 2012


Life is good! It's not like I'm locked out of moviestarplanet and forced to go on American! Yaay! I'm such a high level AND I have loads of coins and diamonds!! ;D


Sunday, 12 August 2012


Lol me and lovebaby have zoomed to the top of the highscores list ;'D

Saturday, 11 August 2012


Well maybe...

If lots of my friends send messages to support about the lock... and that I got hacked blahblahblah and that I'm really nice girl or something .... maybe ..

They would FINALLY unlock me cuz' friends all say the same thing so it doesnt sound like a lie!!! Feel free to take part in this idea xx please comment or right in the chat what they answer ;)

Let's hope this works......

Lily xxxxxx

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Lol Check these out!

Hey guys ! I have a plan to get back on MSP ! Well maybe I could get round support by saying , that i was hacked by that anonymous hacker and she got me locked out . She has been hacking everyone without even talking to them . Weird huh? So yeah . Fingers crossed!