Blogger Backgrounds

Sunday, 27 January 2013

New Youtube Video ;D

Hey guys x

I've just published a new Youtube video ! I worked very hard on it so please take a minute to watch it :)

Xx Lily

Monday, 21 January 2013

Level 5!

Level 5 on American MSP ;D Name : LilyVIP - Just a reminder to those who didnt know xD
I was in IT and went on English MSP. Updated my status and made sure everyone knew I was locked out ;D Here's a pic of me on American MSP btw ;D
Also, I uploaded a new vid onto Youtube :P  Here it is:
That's all for now :)
Hope to see you on AMSP ! (American MSP xD)
Btw, send me a message saying who you are cuz I only add certain people cuz I have a maximum of 25 friends cuz' I can't confirm my email :(

Byee xx Lily x

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Starting to get back to my old self ..

Hey guys ! Sorry for the lack of posts ;) I've been busy :L

Anyways, on American MSP I'm really starting to get back to my old self:
To those who don't know my American MSP name it's LilyVIP

She's now up to level 3 and going up..
The only annoying thing is that she can't buy VIP because I'm not american and I'd have to pay dollars. :L

So, erm ... bye......