Blogger Backgrounds

Monday, 21 May 2012

Like my pic?

I drew it on paint.. It's a bit rubbish cuz' you know.. drawing on computers is hard xD

It's meant to be a drawing of me when I was like 7 xD I looked a bit like that.....

-Lilz x

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Yeah.. Well I decided I would go on Norweigen  MSP instead....

Sorry for making such a fast switch, I'm just gunna cheat to level 10. Using msp hacker, but I cannot do it on american msp.. I have to do it on another server so... yeah I'll make an account called lily21824 so it's easy for you to remember...
plus il cheat coins.. meaning i can give you lot loads of gifts!!!

-Lilz x PS. Sorry :L I'm such a cheat xD Don't tell anyone xD

New account

I made a new account on American MSP. It's name is lily21824

Add her....

That's all I have to say...

Saturday, 12 May 2012


So, I would SO buy this look if I were vip on american msp....

OMG....In like june I'll get Vip on american MSP.....

Heres my acc on American msp just in case you're looking for it..

Lilz xx

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Just a quick post


Lovebaby is so sweet! Omg I so miss the English msp...

All those people I miss....Just gone.
I wish so much I could just get a new laptop....

Bao got locked out aswell for the same reason as me.. she got hacked...
But she's SO lucky

She's getting a new laptop ! Grrrrr I wish I could.. then things wouldn't be so complicated

It's been about 2 or 3 weeks without msp and I'm dying!!!

Lilz xx

Hey guys!

Havn't posted in a while...

Remember my msp email:

Send me emails!!!

I am going to share with you some of my best memories of Moviestarplanet:

Looking through these pics makes me miss msp even more :(

Lilz xx