Blogger Backgrounds

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Me as a level 4

Want to see me as a level 4? This was all the way back in June :O

I still remember my very first friends on MSP <'33

Lilz xx

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Please vote for me in the Fashion comp!

Hey guys xx
Please vote for my movie Top Model Fashion Show <'33 on the 27th  page x

I really worked hard on that movie - if you're a jury or judge and you havn't voted then GO VOTE please?


LILZ xxxxxxxx

Another Epic party!

Wow I go to a LOT of epic parties xD

This one was hosted by hollylove7616
Very nice girl! Add her <'33


Saturday, 17 March 2012


Smileylucy - Wow. Is it every day that you have a level 20 wanting to be friends with you?
She wants to be friends with me! I was once friends with her but she deleted me :L But I'm taken that she 
wants to be friends again !!

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Some fun in Jade's house :D

Yeah we were bored....
Enjoy xx

Lawl ;)



Omg, lovebaby is SERIOUSLY the best BFF on MSP ever!!!!!!
I really don't mind if her VIP has run out.... it doesn't matter.....what matters in how kind she is <'333

;) Add her ;)

She's aweshum!!!!

Lilz x

Friday, 9 March 2012


Hey guys x Sorry I havn't been posting in a while, been VERY busy with school work :L

Ok so a couple of days ago I went into a random chatroom and noticed that Lucky Lily was there.... I sure do have a laugh in the Level 5+ chatroom xD Here are some pics..

Ouuch :L That pin hurt :L


Lilz xxxxx

Sunday, 4 March 2012


I've reached 700 friends!!!!! Look!
:D Epic!

Lilz x

Friday, 2 March 2012

Here is an example.

Hi. Here is an example of people begging me for gifts, pretending it's their birthday. It's simple. If you beg me for gifts, I will not answer.

I especially won't answer if you start being rude.

If you beg me for gifts, I will most likely delete you. 
If I know you well, we've chatted loads and I really like you I might give out the odd gift but I'm not made of money..... I only have 26 coins at the moment... :L

LILZ xxx Lol ;)