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Sunday, 26 February 2012

50th Post!

Hi guys! For my 50th post, I wanted to do something really special, but I couldn't decide so I just did some good friends xD
Starting with my bff lovebaby
Add her! She's just simply really nice!
Nessa10. Luv ya guurrl!
My bff in real life. Luv ya Jade!
Gotta love her!
Great to chat with!
You have a great sense of humor girl! 
Always there for me.

I could keep writing loads more names but then this list would go on forever! You know who you are ;)

They may not be level 20 superstars but they are really nice and kind xD
Add them......

See ya xD

Saturday, 25 February 2012


Hi! Just like to tell you about a great moviestar called Honeyhn.

She's just really nice! Add her! by! 

This is my 49th blog post so the next one will be special ;)

Lilz x

Friday, 24 February 2012

Hi! Just a quick update.

Just wanted to point out that when I went onto the highscores list, and went on movies, my movie was 2nd!! (On rating) Yay!
Can you spot mine? It's called Stardust.
Please watch it if you haven't yet... 

Lucky Lily

Hi! So I was randomly online when I saw Lucky Lily was online. As you may know (or not xD) I always try to make conversation so here we go.
(Click to inlarge)
Very short chat. I gave her an auto so she gave me one back xD
This is her:
Lol. Random post.

Lilz x

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

How to look like Miley Cyrus on MSP

Want to look like Miley Cyrus on Moviestarplanet? Here's a simple look from her music video, Fly On The Wall.

Hair: Celebrity Status $700 

Jacket: Leather Jacket $600 (VIP)
Jeans: Ripped Jeans $500 (VIP)
Shoes: Boots checked dots $300 (VIP)
This look will cost you $2100 Starcoins. Save up a bit and you can buy it ;P

Sorry non vips. I'll try and make a Lady Gaga look or something with no VIP stuff....

Level 9!!

Yay! Level 9 at last :D Thank you to all <'33


Yay!! Thankyou to everyone who helped!!!

Thursday, 16 February 2012


Hey guys!! Just a quick update about a girl called Hollylove7616!  She's really sweet! Add her :)

(Click to enlarge)

Aaaw!! Add her :)  And her bff wammy202! She's really sweet too!


Wednesday, 15 February 2012

My MSP party attempt 2

Today I had MSP party attempt 2. Better then the 1st. Much better.
Here are pics:

Thanx if you came :] 
No problem if you couldn't.
Bye x

(J)ade :)

Hi guys! This post is about my wonderful gf (on MSP) and bff in real life.
xD Lol! Anyways! Add her, give her autos, and gifts (if you like ;) )

Lily xxxx

Saturday, 11 February 2012

The most EPIC party I've ever been too

Hi guys! Here are some pics of the most EPIC party I've ever been too!! xD  Beats my party. That was an EPIC fail :L

We had a blast! Best MSP party ever! As a reminder, this is how MY party turned out :L

Basically, I was talking to myself. It was really awkward :L

xD  Lily xxxx